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Author DANBURY, D.J. |
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Forestry research: its application in Nepal / DANBURY, D.J.
Title : Forestry research: its application in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: DANBURY, D.J. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Forest research and Survey Centre (FORESC) Publication Date: 1994 Pagination: , 17p, , General note: FORESC Occasional paper; 3/94 Languages : (En) Keywords: information dissemination Forestry research: its application in Nepal [printed text] / DANBURY, D.J. ; , . - Kathmandu : Forest research and Survey Centre (FORESC), 1994 . - , 17p, ,.
FORESC Occasional paper; 3/94
Languages : (En)
Keywords: information dissemination Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D2456 D2456 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Research for Community Forestety / DANBURY, D.J. in BANKO JANAKARI - वनको जानकारी : A Journal of Forestry Information for Nepal, 4: 1 (Jan- May 1993)
Title : Research for Community Forestety Material Type: printed text Authors: DANBURY, D.J., Author ; BOWEN, M.R., Author Publication Date: 1993 Article on page: 16-19p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Anus nepalensis Castanopis tribulodes indica Dalbarg in sisoo Community forestry Forest resherch Link for e-copy:
in BANKO JANAKARI - वनको जानकारी : A Journal of Forestry Information for Nepal > 4: 1 (Jan- May 1993) . - 16-19p.[article] Research for Community Forestety [printed text] / DANBURY, D.J., Author ; BOWEN, M.R., Author . - 1993 . - 16-19p.
Languages : English (eng)
in BANKO JANAKARI - वनको जानकारी : A Journal of Forestry Information for Nepal > 4: 1 (Jan- May 1993) . - 16-19p.
Keywords: Anus nepalensis Castanopis tribulodes indica Dalbarg in sisoo Community forestry Forest resherch Link for e-copy: Research for community forestry / DANBURY, D.J. in BANKO JANAKARI - वनको जानकारी : A Journal of Forestry Information for Nepal, 4: 1 (January-June 1994)
Title : Research for community forestry Material Type: printed text Authors: DANBURY, D.J., Author ; ,BOWEN, M.R., Author Publication Date: 1994 Article on page: 16-19p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Acacia catechu Alnus nepalnesis Castanopsis indica Dalbergia sissoo pinus roxburghii Ficus semicordata Litsea monopetala
in BANKO JANAKARI - वनको जानकारी : A Journal of Forestry Information for Nepal > 4: 1 (January-June 1994) . - 16-19p.[article] Research for community forestry [printed text] / DANBURY, D.J., Author ; ,BOWEN, M.R., Author . - 1994 . - 16-19p.
Languages : English (eng)
in BANKO JANAKARI - वनको जानकारी : A Journal of Forestry Information for Nepal > 4: 1 (January-June 1994) . - 16-19p.
Keywords: Acacia catechu Alnus nepalnesis Castanopsis indica Dalbergia sissoo pinus roxburghii Ficus semicordata Litsea monopetala Research for community forestry , In: Banko Janakari / DANBURY, D.J.Role of women in the use and conservation of biodiversity: studies in the Nepal Himalaya / N.K. BHATTARAI in BANKO JANAKARI - वनको जानकारी : A Journal of Forestry Information for Nepal, 7: 2 (July- December 1997)
Title : Role of women in the use and conservation of biodiversity: studies in the Nepal Himalaya Material Type: printed text Authors: N.K. BHATTARAI, Author ; DANBURY, D.J., Author Publication Date: 1997 Article on page: 3-8p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Biodiversity conservation sustainable development role of women Himalaya Nepal Link for e-copy:
in BANKO JANAKARI - वनको जानकारी : A Journal of Forestry Information for Nepal > 7: 2 (July- December 1997) . - 3-8p.[article] Role of women in the use and conservation of biodiversity: studies in the Nepal Himalaya [printed text] / N.K. BHATTARAI, Author ; DANBURY, D.J., Author . - 1997 . - 3-8p.
Languages : English (eng)
in BANKO JANAKARI - वनको जानकारी : A Journal of Forestry Information for Nepal > 7: 2 (July- December 1997) . - 3-8p.
Keywords: Biodiversity conservation sustainable development role of women Himalaya Nepal Link for e-copy: Silviculture by rural people in the Middle Hills of Nepal / TAMRAKAR, P.R. in BANKO JANAKARI - वनको जानकारी : A Journal of Forestry Information for Nepal, 7: 2 (July- December 1997)Permalink