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Forest resources of the Terai districts: 1990/1991 / NEPAL.FOREST RESEARCH AND SURVEY CENTRE
Title : Forest resources of the Terai districts: 1990/1991 Material Type: printed text Authors: NEPAL.FOREST RESEARCH AND SURVEY CENTRE ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Forest research and Survey Centre (FORESC) Publication Date: 1993 Pagination: , 30p. + maps, , Languages : (En) Keywords: forest resources Nepal - Terai Forest resources of the Terai districts: 1990/1991 [printed text] / NEPAL.FOREST RESEARCH AND SURVEY CENTRE ; , . - Kathmandu : Forest research and Survey Centre (FORESC), 1993 . - , 30p. + maps, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forest resources Nepal - Terai Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5443, D2323 5443, D2323 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan