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Applying reduced impact logging to advance sustainable forest management / FOOD AND AGRICULTRE ORGANIZATION (FAO)
Title : Applying reduced impact logging to advance sustainable forest management Material Type: printed text Authors: FOOD AND AGRICULTRE ORGANIZATION (FAO) ; , Publisher: Bangkok : FAO Publication Date: 2002 Pagination: , 311p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: logging forest management Applying reduced impact logging to advance sustainable forest management [printed text] / FOOD AND AGRICULTRE ORGANIZATION (FAO) ; , . - Bangkok : FAO, 2002 . - , 311p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: logging forest management Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5535, D2355 5535, D2355 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Economic analysis of forestry projects: readings / FOOD AND AGRICULTRE ORGANIZATION (FAO)
Title : Economic analysis of forestry projects: readings Material Type: printed text Authors: FOOD AND AGRICULTRE ORGANIZATION (FAO) ; , Publisher: Rome : FAO Publication Date: 1980 Pagination: , 216p., , General note: FAO forestry paper no. 17 Sup. 2 Languages : (En) Keywords: economic analysis Class number: SER FAO FP 17Sup.2 Economic analysis of forestry projects: readings [printed text] / FOOD AND AGRICULTRE ORGANIZATION (FAO) ; , . - Rome : FAO, 1980 . - , 216p., ,.
FAO forestry paper no. 17 Sup. 2
Languages : (En)
Keywords: economic analysis Class number: SER FAO FP 17Sup.2 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3201, SER FAO FP 17Sup.2 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Food and fruit-bearing forest species, 2. examples from southeastern Asia / FOOD AND AGRICULTRE ORGANIZATION (FAO)
Title : Food and fruit-bearing forest species, 2. examples from southeastern Asia Material Type: printed text Authors: FOOD AND AGRICULTRE ORGANIZATION (FAO) ; , Publisher: Rome : FAO Publication Date: 1984 Pagination: , 167p., , General note: FAO forestry paper no.44/2 Languages : (En) Keywords: forest species fruit-bearing Class number: SER FAO FP 44/2 Food and fruit-bearing forest species, 2. examples from southeastern Asia [printed text] / FOOD AND AGRICULTRE ORGANIZATION (FAO) ; , . - Rome : FAO, 1984 . - , 167p., ,.
FAO forestry paper no.44/2
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forest species fruit-bearing Class number: SER FAO FP 44/2 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3219, SER FAO FP 44/2 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Forests, trees and people / FOOD AND AGRICULTRE ORGANIZATION (FAO)
Title : Forests, trees and people Material Type: printed text Authors: FOOD AND AGRICULTRE ORGANIZATION (FAO) ; , Publisher: Rome : FAO Publication Date: 1988 Pagination: , 39p., , General note: FAO forestry tropics report no. 2 Languages : (En) Keywords: forests trees Class number: SER FAO FTR 2 Forests, trees and people [printed text] / FOOD AND AGRICULTRE ORGANIZATION (FAO) ; , . - Rome : FAO, 1988 . - , 39p., ,.
FAO forestry tropics report no. 2
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forests trees Class number: SER FAO FTR 2 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2602, SER FAO FTR 2 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Industrail charcoal making / FOOD AND AGRICULTRE ORGANIZATION (FAO)
Title : Industrail charcoal making Material Type: printed text Authors: FOOD AND AGRICULTRE ORGANIZATION (FAO) ; , Publisher: Rome : FAO Publication Date: 1985 Pagination: , 133p., , General note: FAO forestry paper no. 63 Languages : (En) Keywords: charcoal making Class number: SER FAO FP 63 Industrail charcoal making [printed text] / FOOD AND AGRICULTRE ORGANIZATION (FAO) ; , . - Rome : FAO, 1985 . - , 133p., ,.
FAO forestry paper no. 63
Languages : (En)
Keywords: charcoal making Class number: SER FAO FP 63 Mountain forest roads and harvesting / FOOD AND AGRICULTRE ORGANIZATION (FAO)PermalinkSpecial readings in conservation / FOOD AND AGRICULTRE ORGANIZATION (FAO)PermalinkTropical forest resources / FOOD AND AGRICULTRE ORGANIZATION (FAO)PermalinkWood for energy / FOOD AND AGRICULTRE ORGANIZATION (FAO)PermalinkWorld list of forestry schools / FOOD AND AGRICULTRE ORGANIZATION (FAO)Permalink