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Afforestation field work and afforestation controls nowadays in the TWP area: or how to reduce failures to a minimum / SCHALTENBRAND, H.
Title : Afforestation field work and afforestation controls nowadays in the TWP area: or how to reduce failures to a minimum Material Type: printed text Authors: SCHALTENBRAND, H. ; , Publisher: Tansen, Palpa, Nepal : Tinau Watershed Project (TWP) Publication Date: 1981 Pagination: , 5p, , General note: TWP-FS No. 7 Languages : (En) Keywords: afforestation Afforestation field work and afforestation controls nowadays in the TWP area: or how to reduce failures to a minimum [printed text] / SCHALTENBRAND, H. ; , . - Tansen, Palpa, Nepal : Tinau Watershed Project (TWP), 1981 . - , 5p, ,.
TWP-FS No. 7
Languages : (En)
Keywords: afforestation Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2482, D776 2482, D776 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Final report: Tinau Watershed Project (TWP) Forest Section / SCHALTENBRAND, H.
Title : Final report: Tinau Watershed Project (TWP) Forest Section Material Type: printed text Authors: SCHALTENBRAND, H. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu, Nepal : TWP Publication Date: 1982 Pagination: , 9p, , General note: TWP-FS-11/82 Languages : (En) Keywords: forestry development community forestry reports Final report: Tinau Watershed Project (TWP) Forest Section [printed text] / SCHALTENBRAND, H. ; , . - Kathmandu, Nepal : TWP, 1982 . - , 9p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forestry development community forestry reports Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2292 2755, D709 2292 2755, D709 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Monthly seed collection and nursery treatment information restricted to the area of Palpa / SCHALTENBRAND, H.
Title : Monthly seed collection and nursery treatment information restricted to the area of Palpa Material Type: printed text Authors: SCHALTENBRAND, H. ; , Publisher: Tansen, Palpa, Nepal : Tinau Watershed Project (TWP) Publication Date: 1982 Pagination: , 12p, , General note: TWP-FS No. 9 Languages : (En) Keywords: seed collection treatment nursery management Monthly seed collection and nursery treatment information restricted to the area of Palpa [printed text] / SCHALTENBRAND, H. ; , . - Tansen, Palpa, Nepal : Tinau Watershed Project (TWP), 1982 . - , 12p, ,.
TWP-FS No. 9
Languages : (En)
Keywords: seed collection treatment nursery management Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2480, D774 2480, D774 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan