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Author WILSON, R.S. |
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Fibre supplies: a competitive advantage but who can play the game / WILSON, R.S.
Title : Fibre supplies: a competitive advantage but who can play the game Material Type: printed text Authors: WILSON, R.S. ; WIGGINS S.A.A. ; , Publisher: s.l. : s.n. Publication Date: 1996 Pagination: , 29p, , General note: PPI market pulp conference Brussels, 13-14 May, 1996 Languages : (En) Keywords: pulp and paper idustries conference Fibre supplies: a competitive advantage but who can play the game [printed text] / WILSON, R.S. ; WIGGINS S.A.A. ; , . - s.l. : s.n., 1996 . - , 29p, ,.
PPI market pulp conference Brussels, 13-14 May, 1996
Languages : (En)
Keywords: pulp and paper idustries conference Copies (1)
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