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Author SHARMA, J.K. |
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Eucalypts in India. Past, present and future / SHARMA, J.K.
Title : Eucalypts in India. Past, present and future Material Type: printed text Authors: SHARMA, J.K. ; , Publisher: Kerala : Forest Research Institute (FRI) Publication Date: 1986 Pagination: , iv, 521p, , General note: Proceedings of the national seminar held at Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Kerala, India, January 30-31, 1984. Languages : (En) Keywords: Eucalyptus bibliography conferences Class number: FA 48/0011 Eucalypts in India. Past, present and future [printed text] / SHARMA, J.K. ; , . - Kerala : Forest Research Institute (FRI), 1986 . - , iv, 521p, ,.
Proceedings of the national seminar held at Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Kerala, India, January 30-31, 1984.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Eucalyptus bibliography conferences Class number: FA 48/0011 Spermoplane microflora of stored seeds of Tectona grandis, Bombax ceiba and Eucalyptus spp. in relation to germinability / SHARMA, J.K.
Title : Spermoplane microflora of stored seeds of Tectona grandis, Bombax ceiba and Eucalyptus spp. in relation to germinability Material Type: printed text Authors: SHARMA, J.K. ; , Publisher: (s.l.) : (s.n.) Publication Date: (n.d.) Pagination: , 10p. :ill, , Languages : (En) Keywords: Bombax ceiba Tectona grandis eucalyptus seed storage seeds injury microbiology plant pathology viability Spermoplane microflora of stored seeds of Tectona grandis, Bombax ceiba and Eucalyptus spp. in relation to germinability [printed text] / SHARMA, J.K. ; , . - (s.l.) : (s.n.), (n.d.) . - , 10p. :ill, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Bombax ceiba Tectona grandis eucalyptus seed storage seeds injury microbiology plant pathology viability Copies (1)
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