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Author LEWIS, R. |
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Compost making / LEWIS, R.
Title : Compost making Material Type: printed text Authors: LEWIS, R. ; , Publisher: Dhankuta, Nepal : Pakhribas Agricultural Centre (PAC) Publication Date: 1977 Pagination: , 4p, , General note: Technical Paper No. 12 Languages : (En) Keywords: composts manures Compost making [printed text] / LEWIS, R. ; , . - Dhankuta, Nepal : Pakhribas Agricultural Centre (PAC), 1977 . - , 4p, ,.
Technical Paper No. 12
Languages : (En)
Keywords: composts manures Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2940, D901 2940, D901 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan The hail problem in horticultural crops / LEWIS, R.
Title : The hail problem in horticultural crops Material Type: printed text Authors: LEWIS, R. ; , Publisher: (s.l.) : (s.n.) Publication Date: 1978 Pagination: , 6p, , General note: Technical Paper No. 25 Languages : (En) Keywords: hail damage horticulture Nepal - Lumle The hail problem in horticultural crops [printed text] / LEWIS, R. ; , . - (s.l.) : (s.n.), 1978 . - , 6p, ,.
Technical Paper No. 25
Languages : (En)
Keywords: hail damage horticulture Nepal - Lumle Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2944, D910 2944, D910 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Introduction of chemical fertilizer into horticulture extension programme / LEWIS, R.
Title : Introduction of chemical fertilizer into horticulture extension programme Material Type: printed text Authors: LEWIS, R. ; , Publisher: Dhankuta, Nepal : Pakhribas Agricultural Centre (PAC) Publication Date: 1978 Pagination: , 6p, , General note: Technical Paper No. 24 Languages : (En) Keywords: horticulture fertilizers agricultural development Introduction of chemical fertilizer into horticulture extension programme [printed text] / LEWIS, R. ; , . - Dhankuta, Nepal : Pakhribas Agricultural Centre (PAC), 1978 . - , 6p, ,.
Technical Paper No. 24
Languages : (En)
Keywords: horticulture fertilizers agricultural development Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2943, D898 2943, D898 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan A trough method of tree planting suitable for village extension in areas of high summer rainfall / LEWIS, R.
Title : A trough method of tree planting suitable for village extension in areas of high summer rainfall Material Type: printed text Authors: LEWIS, R. ; , Publisher: Dhankuta, Nepal : Pakhribas Agricultural Centre (PAC) Publication Date: 1978 Pagination: , 3p, , General note: Technical Paper No. 28 Languages : (En) Keywords: forest plantations appropriate technology A trough method of tree planting suitable for village extension in areas of high summer rainfall [printed text] / LEWIS, R. ; , . - Dhankuta, Nepal : Pakhribas Agricultural Centre (PAC), 1978 . - , 3p, ,.
Technical Paper No. 28
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forest plantations appropriate technology Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2939, D902 2939, D902 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan