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Author HOWARD, W.J. |
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Rehabilitation project for the Bangladesh tea industry: appendix vii, forestry / HOWARD, W.J.
Title : Rehabilitation project for the Bangladesh tea industry: appendix vii, forestry Material Type: printed text Authors: HOWARD, W.J. ; , Publisher: Surrey, U.K. : Land Resources Development Centre (LRDC) Publication Date: (n.d.) Pagination: , 45p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: tea industry fuelwood plywood Rehabilitation project for the Bangladesh tea industry: appendix vii, forestry [printed text] / HOWARD, W.J. ; , . - Surrey, U.K. : Land Resources Development Centre (LRDC), (n.d.) . - , 45p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: tea industry fuelwood plywood Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2871, D914 2871, D914 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Vegetation surveys of savanna forest reserves in Northern Nigeria based on aerial photographs , In: The Commonwealth Forestry Review / HOWARD, W.J.
Title : Vegetation surveys of savanna forest reserves in Northern Nigeria based on aerial photographs , In: The Commonwealth Forestry Review Material Type: printed text Authors: HOWARD, W.J. ; , Publication Date: 1967 Pagination: v. 46 : 1, 36-50p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: aerial photography vegetation surveys Vegetation surveys of savanna forest reserves in Northern Nigeria based on aerial photographs , In: The Commonwealth Forestry Review [printed text] / HOWARD, W.J. ; , . - 1967 . - v. 46 : 1, 36-50p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: aerial photography vegetation surveys