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Impact Assessment of the Hills Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development Project on vegetation And Social Developement in Bhagawatisthan site Bahgawatisthan (Kavrepalanchok District) (IFRI ID code: 003-NEP-014-01/00) / JOSHI, N.N., CHHETRY, M., KARMACHARYA, M.B. KARNA, B.K.
Title : Impact Assessment of the Hills Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development Project on vegetation And Social Developement in Bhagawatisthan site Bahgawatisthan (Kavrepalanchok District) (IFRI ID code: 003-NEP-014-01/00) Material Type: printed text Authors: JOSHI, N.N., CHHETRY, M., KARMACHARYA, M.B. KARNA, B.K. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : FAO Publication Date: June 2000 Pagination: , 37p., , General note: RAPR: GCP/NEP/052/NET field Document14/2000 Languages : (En) Keywords: Vegetation - Social development Kavrepalanchok District Impact assessment Hills Leasehold forestry Impact Assessment of the Hills Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development Project on vegetation And Social Developement in Bhagawatisthan site Bahgawatisthan (Kavrepalanchok District) (IFRI ID code: 003-NEP-014-01/00) [printed text] / JOSHI, N.N., CHHETRY, M., KARMACHARYA, M.B. KARNA, B.K. ; , . - Kathmandu : FAO, June 2000 . - , 37p., ,.
RAPR: GCP/NEP/052/NET field Document14/2000
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Vegetation - Social development Kavrepalanchok District Impact assessment Hills Leasehold forestry Copies (1)
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