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Author SKARNER, G.A. foestry consultant |
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Research on Sal forest management in Nepal A Consultancy report / SKARNER, G.A. foestry consultant
Title : Research on Sal forest management in Nepal A Consultancy report Material Type: printed text Authors: SKARNER, G.A. foestry consultant ; , Publisher: kathmandu : Nepal - United Kingdom Forestry Research Project Publication Date: 1995 Pagination: , 48p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Research Strategy development, Sal, Oak, Natural Forest Management, Tree and Biomass Recording Form, Development, FMUDP Research on Sal forest management in Nepal A Consultancy report [printed text] / SKARNER, G.A. foestry consultant ; , . - kathmandu : Nepal - United Kingdom Forestry Research Project, 1995 . - , 48p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Research Strategy development, Sal, Oak, Natural Forest Management, Tree and Biomass Recording Form, Development, FMUDP Copies (1)
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Title : Research on Sal Forest Management in Nepal: a consultancy report Material Type: printed text Authors: SKARNER, G.A. foestry consultant, Author Publisher: Kathmandu : Nepal-UK Forestry Research Project Publication Date: 1995 Pagination: 73p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Chilaune-Katus Oak Sal FMUDP experience Forest management Consultancy report Link for e-copy: Research on Sal Forest Management in Nepal: a consultancy report [printed text] / SKARNER, G.A. foestry consultant, Author . - Kathmandu : Nepal-UK Forestry Research Project, 1995 . - 73p.
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Chilaune-Katus Oak Sal FMUDP experience Forest management Consultancy report Link for e-copy: