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Assessmenmt of rural livelihood through community forestry (a case study of Gaukhureshwor community forests, Kavreplanchok District) / ROY, RABINDRA
Title : Assessmenmt of rural livelihood through community forestry (a case study of Gaukhureshwor community forests, Kavreplanchok District) Material Type: printed text Authors: ROY, RABINDRA ; , Publisher: Pokhara : Institute of Forestry Publication Date: 1999 Pagination: , 43p., , General note: Thesis is submitted for degreee of Bachelor of Science inb Forestry Languages : (En) Keywords: thesis BSc community forestry Assessmenmt of rural livelihood through community forestry (a case study of Gaukhureshwor community forests, Kavreplanchok District) [printed text] / ROY, RABINDRA ; , . - Pokhara : Institute of Forestry, 1999 . - , 43p., ,.
Thesis is submitted for degreee of Bachelor of Science inb Forestry
Languages : (En)
Keywords: thesis BSc community forestry Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status T104 T104 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Assessment of Rural Livelihood through community forestry: A case study of Gauukhureshwor community forests, kavrepalanchwok district / ROY, RABINDRA
Title : Assessment of Rural Livelihood through community forestry: A case study of Gauukhureshwor community forests, kavrepalanchwok district Material Type: printed text Authors: ROY, RABINDRA ; , Publisher: Pokhara : IOF Publication Date: 1999 Pagination: , 43p., , General note: Thesis Submitted to institute of forestry a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of bachlor of science in forestry Languages : (En) Keywords: Thesis B.Sc community forestry Assessment Rural Livelihood kavrepalanchwok agriculture production Soil Production Assessment of Rural Livelihood through community forestry: A case study of Gauukhureshwor community forests, kavrepalanchwok district [printed text] / ROY, RABINDRA ; , . - Pokhara : IOF, 1999 . - , 43p., ,.
Thesis Submitted to institute of forestry a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of bachlor of science in forestry
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Thesis B.Sc community forestry Assessment Rural Livelihood kavrepalanchwok agriculture production Soil Production Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status T191 T191 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Protecting whats ours: Indigenous peoples initiatives to biodiversity conservation in Nepal (a case study of Lapcha community from Ilam district of East Nepal) / ROY, RABINDRA
Title : Protecting whats ours: Indigenous peoples initiatives to biodiversity conservation in Nepal (a case study of Lapcha community from Ilam district of East Nepal) Material Type: printed text Authors: ROY, RABINDRA ; , Publisher: KTM : Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN) Publication Date: 2004 Pagination: , 64p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: biodiversity conservation indegenous peoples Protecting whats ours: Indigenous peoples initiatives to biodiversity conservation in Nepal (a case study of Lapcha community from Ilam district of East Nepal) [printed text] / ROY, RABINDRA ; , . - KTM : Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN), 2004 . - , 64p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: biodiversity conservation indegenous peoples Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D3559 D3559 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan