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Utilization options for dead and burnt trees by community forest user groups in High altitude forests / ACHARYA, BISHNU HARI
Title : Utilization options for dead and burnt trees by community forest user groups in High altitude forests Material Type: printed text Authors: ACHARYA, BISHNU HARI ; , Publisher: Pokhara : Institute of Forestry Publication Date: 2002 Pagination: , 41p., , General note: Thesis is submitted for Bachelor of Science in Forestry Languages : (En) Keywords: thesis BSc CFUG Utilization options for dead and burnt trees by community forest user groups in High altitude forests [printed text] / ACHARYA, BISHNU HARI ; , . - Pokhara : Institute of Forestry, 2002 . - , 41p., ,.
Thesis is submitted for Bachelor of Science in Forestry
Languages : (En)
Keywords: thesis BSc CFUG Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status T148 T148 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Utilization Options for dead and Burnt Trees by community forest user Groups in High Altitude forests (A case Study from Tashithang community forest of Sindhupalchok District) / ACHARYA, BISHNU HARI
Title : Utilization Options for dead and Burnt Trees by community forest user Groups in High Altitude forests (A case Study from Tashithang community forest of Sindhupalchok District) Material Type: printed text Authors: ACHARYA, BISHNU HARI ; , Publisher: Pokhara : IOF Publication Date: 2002 Pagination: , 41p., , General note: Thesis Submitted as a requirement for partial fulfilment for the Degree of Bachlor of Science in forestry Languages : (En) Keywords: B.Sc thesis community forest High altitude forests forest Inventory yield calculation management and Utilization district Introduction sindhupalchok Surplus Timber Utilization Options for dead and Burnt Trees by community forest user Groups in High Altitude forests (A case Study from Tashithang community forest of Sindhupalchok District) [printed text] / ACHARYA, BISHNU HARI ; , . - Pokhara : IOF, 2002 . - , 41p., ,.
Thesis Submitted as a requirement for partial fulfilment for the Degree of Bachlor of Science in forestry
Languages : (En)
Keywords: B.Sc thesis community forest High altitude forests forest Inventory yield calculation management and Utilization district Introduction sindhupalchok Surplus Timber Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status T259 T259 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan