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Author KATTEL, Dr. B. |
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Shivapuri Integrated Watershed development Project GCP/NEP/048/NOR A Study Assessment of Wildlife diversity and crop depredation in Shivapuri watershed and wildlife reserve / KATTEL, Dr. B.
Title : Shivapuri Integrated Watershed development Project GCP/NEP/048/NOR A Study Assessment of Wildlife diversity and crop depredation in Shivapuri watershed and wildlife reserve Material Type: printed text Authors: KATTEL, Dr. B. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Food and agriculture Organization of the United Nations Publication Date: 1993 Pagination: , 40p., , General note: Field Document No. 5 Languages : (En) Keywords: natural resources, Studying wildlife Population anomaly shivapuri legislation, local Residents sources conflicts Methodology, checklist mammals, birds Shivapuri Integrated Watershed development Project GCP/NEP/048/NOR A Study Assessment of Wildlife diversity and crop depredation in Shivapuri watershed and wildlife reserve [printed text] / KATTEL, Dr. B. ; , . - Kathmandu : Food and agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1993 . - , 40p., ,.
Field Document No. 5
Languages : (En)
Keywords: natural resources, Studying wildlife Population anomaly shivapuri legislation, local Residents sources conflicts Methodology, checklist mammals, birds Copies (1)
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