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Indian forest utilization volume II / FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE AND COLLEGES
Title : Indian forest utilization volume II Material Type: printed text Authors: FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE AND COLLEGES, Author Publisher: Dehra Dun, India : Natraj Publishers Pagination: 941p. ISBN (or other code): 978-81-8158-273-7 Languages : English (eng) Indian forest utilization volume II [printed text] / FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE AND COLLEGES, Author . - Dehra Dun, India : Natraj Publishers, [s.d.] . - 941p.
ISBN : 978-81-8158-273-7
Languages : English (eng)Copies (2)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 8466 634.9 FOR-i Books CFL Documents Available 8993 634.9 FOR-i Books CFL Documents Available Indian Timbers Kokko (SIRIS) / FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE AND COLLEGES
Title : Indian Timbers Kokko (SIRIS) Material Type: printed text Authors: FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE AND COLLEGES ; , Publisher: Dehra Dun : Forest Research Institute and Colleges Publication Date: 1970 Pagination: , 11p., , General note: Information Series-6 Languages : (En) Keywords: Kokko Indian Timbers Local Name Trade Phenology Class number: SER FRI IS 6 Indian Timbers Kokko (SIRIS) [printed text] / FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE AND COLLEGES ; , . - Dehra Dun : Forest Research Institute and Colleges, 1970 . - , 11p., ,.
Information Series-6
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Kokko Indian Timbers Local Name Trade Phenology Class number: SER FRI IS 6 Proceedings of the tenth silvicultural conference, Dehr Dun, November 15th to November 20th and Novemebr 22nd to November 25th, 1961 / FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE AND COLLEGES
Title : Proceedings of the tenth silvicultural conference, Dehr Dun, November 15th to November 20th and Novemebr 22nd to November 25th, 1961 Material Type: printed text Authors: FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE AND COLLEGES ; , Publisher: Dehra Dun : Forest Research Institute and Colleges Publication Date: 1961 Pagination: , 1239p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Forest Tenth Silvicultural Class number: 634.95 FOR Proceedings of the tenth silvicultural conference, Dehr Dun, November 15th to November 20th and Novemebr 22nd to November 25th, 1961 [printed text] / FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE AND COLLEGES ; , . - Dehra Dun : Forest Research Institute and Colleges, 1961 . - , 1239p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Forest Tenth Silvicultural Class number: 634.95 FOR Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 1705-B, 634.95 FOR Document DFRSL Books Not for loan