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Author SHRESTHA, B. |
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Agri-silviculture in Nepal: study of an approach to the settlement of landless labourers / SHRESTHA, B.
Title : Agri-silviculture in Nepal: study of an approach to the settlement of landless labourers Material Type: printed text Authors: SHRESTHA, B. ; PANDEY, D. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Winrock International Publication Date: 1986 Pagination: , 46p, , General note: Forestry Research Paper Series; 14 Languages : (En) Keywords: agroforestry - Nepal Nepal Bara Agri-silviculture in Nepal: study of an approach to the settlement of landless labourers [printed text] / SHRESTHA, B. ; PANDEY, D. ; , . - Kathmandu : Winrock International, 1986 . - , 46p, ,.
Forestry Research Paper Series; 14
Languages : (En)
Keywords: agroforestry - Nepal Nepal Bara Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3633, D1228 3633, D1228 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Community forest management practices in far-western lowlands of Nepal / SHRESTHA, B. in BANKO JANAKARI - वनको जानकारी : A Journal of Forestry Information for Nepal, 18 : 2 (July - December 2008)
Title : Community forest management practices in far-western lowlands of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: SHRESTHA, B., Author Publication Date: 2008 Article on page: 25-34 p. Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Community forest management, products, distribution, far-western low land Abstract: Wider discussions are held as to the contribution of community forestry program in Nepal to improve the forest condition and meeting the forest product requirements. This paper presents findings from a study of six Community Forest User Groups in far-western lowlands of Kailali and Kanchanpur in Nepal. The groups with natural and plantation forests have varied experiences in forest conservation and distribution of products. Some groups are resourceful in terms of availability of forest products from the natural forests. Others with plantation forests are product scarce from their own and depend on government managed forest and other sources to meet their demands. The role of concerned government authorities and federation of groups would be instrumental to analyse demand and supply, and make provisions for distribution of forest products within and outside groups and district. Link for e-copy:
in BANKO JANAKARI - वनको जानकारी : A Journal of Forestry Information for Nepal > 18 : 2 (July - December 2008) . - 25-34 p.[article] Community forest management practices in far-western lowlands of Nepal [printed text] / SHRESTHA, B., Author . - 2008 . - 25-34 p.
Languages : English (eng)
in BANKO JANAKARI - वनको जानकारी : A Journal of Forestry Information for Nepal > 18 : 2 (July - December 2008) . - 25-34 p.
Keywords: Community forest management, products, distribution, far-western low land Abstract: Wider discussions are held as to the contribution of community forestry program in Nepal to improve the forest condition and meeting the forest product requirements. This paper presents findings from a study of six Community Forest User Groups in far-western lowlands of Kailali and Kanchanpur in Nepal. The groups with natural and plantation forests have varied experiences in forest conservation and distribution of products. Some groups are resourceful in terms of availability of forest products from the natural forests. Others with plantation forests are product scarce from their own and depend on government managed forest and other sources to meet their demands. The role of concerned government authorities and federation of groups would be instrumental to analyse demand and supply, and make provisions for distribution of forest products within and outside groups and district. Link for e-copy: What makes some project induced watershed management user groups more active than others? / SHRESTHA, B. in BANKO JANAKARI - वनको जानकारी : A Journal of Forestry Information for Nepal, 12 : 2 (July- December 2002)An overview of social dynamics of deforestation in Nepal / SHRESTHA, B.
Title : An overview of social dynamics of deforestation in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: SHRESTHA, B. ; UPRETY, L.P. ; ,PANDEY, T.R. Publisher: Kathmandu : APROSC Publication Date: 1991 Pagination: , 37p; ivp, , Languages : (En) Keywords: community development - Nepal An overview of social dynamics of deforestation in Nepal [printed text] / SHRESTHA, B. ; UPRETY, L.P. ; ,PANDEY, T.R. . - Kathmandu : APROSC, 1991 . - , 37p; ivp, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: community development - Nepal Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5523, D2611 5523, D2611 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan