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Elements of nonparametric Statistics / Noether , Gottfried E.
Title : Elements of nonparametric Statistics Material Type: printed text Authors: Noether , Gottfried E. ; , Publisher: New York : John Wiley Sons Publication Date: 1967 Pagination: , 104p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: Statistics Elements Class number: 519.5GOT Elements of nonparametric Statistics [printed text] / Noether , Gottfried E. ; , . - New York : John Wiley Sons, 1967 . - , 104p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Statistics Elements Class number: 519.5GOT Fundamentals of ornithology / Josselyn Van Tyne Andrew J. Berger
Title : Fundamentals of ornithology Material Type: printed text Authors: Josselyn Van Tyne Andrew J. Berger ; , Publisher: New York : John Wiley Sons Publication Date: 1966 Pagination: , 624p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Fundamentals Ornithology Class number: 598.JOS Fundamentals of ornithology [printed text] / Josselyn Van Tyne Andrew J. Berger ; , . - New York : John Wiley Sons, 1966 . - , 624p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Fundamentals Ornithology Class number: 598.JOS Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 1390, 598.JOS Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Ground Water Hydropower / TODD, DAVID KEITH
Title : Ground Water Hydropower Material Type: printed text Authors: TODD, DAVID KEITH ; , Edition statement: 2th ed Publisher: New York : John Wiley Sons Publication Date: 1980 Pagination: , 535p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Groundwater Hydropower Flow Class number: 551.49 TOD Ground Water Hydropower [printed text] / TODD, DAVID KEITH ; , . - 2th ed . - New York : John Wiley Sons, 1980 . - , 535p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Groundwater Hydropower Flow Class number: 551.49 TOD Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4649, 551.49 TOD Document DFRSL Books Not for loan A Handbook of numerical matrix inversion and solution of linear equations / Westlake,Joan R.
Title : A Handbook of numerical matrix inversion and solution of linear equations Material Type: printed text Authors: Westlake,Joan R. ; , Publisher: New York : John Wiley Sons Publication Date: 1968 Pagination: , 170p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: Linear equations Numerical Matrix Class number: 512.5WES A Handbook of numerical matrix inversion and solution of linear equations [printed text] / Westlake,Joan R. ; , . - New York : John Wiley Sons, 1968 . - , 170p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Linear equations Numerical Matrix Class number: 512.5WES introduction to mathematical statistics / Hoel , paul G.
Title : introduction to mathematical statistics Material Type: printed text Authors: Hoel , paul G. ; , Edition statement: 3rd ed. Publisher: New York : John Wiley Sons Publication Date: 1962 Pagination: , 428p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: mathematical Statistics Class number: 519.5HOE introduction to mathematical statistics [printed text] / Hoel , paul G. ; , . - 3rd ed. . - New York : John Wiley Sons, 1962 . - , 428p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: mathematical Statistics Class number: 519.5HOE Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4249, 519.5HOE Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Production Forecasting, Planning, and Control / Niece, E.H.MacPermalinkRegression Analysis / Williams, E.J.PermalinkRemote Sensing in Geology / SIEGAL, B.S.PermalinkRemote Sensing and Image Interpretation / LILLESAND, THOMAS M. and KIEFER, RALPH W.PermalinkSoil Geography and Land Use / FOTH, HENRY D. AND SCHAFER, JOHN W.Permalink