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Winrock International
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Collaborative research on farm and village forestry: report of a workshop held April 23-25, 1988 in Kathmandu / TAYLOR, D.A.
Title : Collaborative research on farm and village forestry: report of a workshop held April 23-25, 1988 in Kathmandu Material Type: printed text Authors: TAYLOR, D.A. ; , Publisher: Arkansas, USA : Winrock International Publication Date: 1988 Pagination: , 55p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: community forestry - Nepal agroforestry F/FRED ICIMOD Collaborative research on farm and village forestry: report of a workshop held April 23-25, 1988 in Kathmandu [printed text] / TAYLOR, D.A. ; , . - Arkansas, USA : Winrock International, 1988 . - , 55p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: community forestry - Nepal agroforestry F/FRED ICIMOD Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4283 4432, D1657 4283 4432, D1657 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Ecological development in the Humid tropics guidelines for planners / LUGO, A.E.
Title : Ecological development in the Humid tropics guidelines for planners Material Type: printed text Authors: LUGO, A.E. ; CLARK, J.R. ; ,CHILD, R.D. Publisher: Arkansas, USA : Winrock International Publication Date: 1987 Pagination: , ix, 362p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: ecology forest management Class number: 333.73 LUG Ecological development in the Humid tropics guidelines for planners [printed text] / LUGO, A.E. ; CLARK, J.R. ; ,CHILD, R.D. . - Arkansas, USA : Winrock International, 1987 . - , ix, 362p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: ecology forest management Class number: 333.73 LUG Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5308, 333.73 LUG Document DFRSL Books Not for loan