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Growth and yields of natural stands of the southern pines / SCHUMACHER, F.X.
Title : Growth and yields of natural stands of the southern pines Material Type: printed text Authors: SCHUMACHER, F.X. ; , Publisher: Durnham, N.C. : T.S. Coile, Inc. Publication Date: 1960 Pagination: , 115p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: forest mensuration forests and forestry - USA Class number: 634.9751 SCH Growth and yields of natural stands of the southern pines [printed text] / SCHUMACHER, F.X. ; , . - Durnham, N.C. : T.S. Coile, Inc., 1960 . - , 115p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forest mensuration forests and forestry - USA Class number: 634.9751 SCH Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 834, 634.9751 SCH Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Volume and diameter growth of Ponderosa pine trees as influenced by site index, density, age, and size , In: Forest Science / LEMMON, P.E.
Title : Volume and diameter growth of Ponderosa pine trees as influenced by site index, density, age, and size , In: Forest Science Material Type: printed text Authors: LEMMON, P.E. ; SCHUMACHER, F.X. ; , Publication Date: 1962 Pagination: v. 8 : 3, 236-249p, , General note: 14p Languages : (En) Keywords: conversions, tables and factors pinus Volume and diameter growth of Ponderosa pine trees as influenced by site index, density, age, and size , In: Forest Science [printed text] / LEMMON, P.E. ; SCHUMACHER, F.X. ; , . - 1962 . - v. 8 : 3, 236-249p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: conversions, tables and factors pinus Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D1370 D1370 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan