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Agricultural ecosystems: unifying concepts / LOWRANCE, R.
Title : Agricultural ecosystems: unifying concepts Material Type: printed text Authors: LOWRANCE, R. ; , Publisher: New York : John Wiley Publication Date: 1984 Pagination: , x, 223p. :ill, , ISBN (or other code): 0-471-87888-x General note: A Wiley interscience publication Languages : (En) Keywords: agriculture ecology Class number: 630.2745 LOW Agricultural ecosystems: unifying concepts [printed text] / LOWRANCE, R. ; , . - New York : John Wiley, 1984 . - , x, 223p. :ill, ,.
ISSN : 0-471-87888-x
A Wiley interscience publication
Languages : (En)
Keywords: agriculture ecology Class number: 630.2745 LOW Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3565, 630.2745 LOW Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Agroforestry: classification and management / MACDICKEN, K.G.
Title : Agroforestry: classification and management Material Type: printed text Authors: MACDICKEN, K.G. ; VERGARA, N.T. eds ; , Publisher: New York : John Wiley Publication Date: 1990 Pagination: , xvii, 382p, , ISBN (or other code): 978-0-471-83781-7 Languages : (En) Class number: 634.999 MAC Agroforestry: classification and management [printed text] / MACDICKEN, K.G. ; VERGARA, N.T. eds ; , . - New York : John Wiley, 1990 . - , xvii, 382p, ,.
ISBN : 978-0-471-83781-7
Languages : (En)
Class number: 634.999 MAC Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5454- A, 634.999 MAC Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Applied forest tree improvement / ZOBEL, B.
Title : Applied forest tree improvement Material Type: printed text Authors: ZOBEL, B. ; , Publisher: New York : John Wiley Publication Date: 1984 Pagination: , xv, 505p. :ill, , ISBN (or other code): 978-0-471-09682-5 Languages : (En) Keywords: forest genetics trees - breeding Class number: 634.95 ZOB Applied forest tree improvement [printed text] / ZOBEL, B. ; , . - New York : John Wiley, 1984 . - , xv, 505p. :ill, ,.
ISBN : 978-0-471-09682-5
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forest genetics trees - breeding Class number: 634.95 ZOB Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4058, 634.95 ZOB Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Applied inorganic analysis: with special reference to the analysis of metals, minerals and rocks / HILLEBRAND, W.F.
Title : Applied inorganic analysis: with special reference to the analysis of metals, minerals and rocks Material Type: printed text Authors: HILLEBRAND, W.F. ; LUNDELL, G.E.F ; ,BRIGHT, H.A. Edition statement: 2nd rev. ed. Publisher: New York : John Wiley Publication Date: 1953 Pagination: , xxii, 1034p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: chemistry, inorganic mineralogy Class number: 546 HIL Applied inorganic analysis: with special reference to the analysis of metals, minerals and rocks [printed text] / HILLEBRAND, W.F. ; LUNDELL, G.E.F ; ,BRIGHT, H.A. . - 2nd rev. ed. . - New York : John Wiley, 1953 . - , xxii, 1034p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: chemistry, inorganic mineralogy Class number: 546 HIL Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 1591, 546 HIL Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Applied regression analysis / DRAPER, N.R.
Title : Applied regression analysis Material Type: printed text Authors: DRAPER, N.R. ; , Publisher: New York : John Wiley Publication Date: 1966 Pagination: , ix, 407p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: statistics Class number: 519.536 DRA Applied regression analysis [printed text] / DRAPER, N.R. ; , . - New York : John Wiley, 1966 . - , ix, 407p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: statistics Class number: 519.536 DRA Applied regression analysis / DRAPER, N.R.PermalinkAtlas of landforms / CURRAN, H.A.PermalinkAutomatic data processing / BROOKS, F.P.PermalinkBilogical control of weeds with plant pathogens / CHARUDATTAN, R.PermalinkConservation of natural resources / SMITH, G.-H.PermalinkDemand analysis: a study in econometrics / WOLD, H.PermalinkEcological animal geography / ALLEE, W.C.PermalinkEconometric theory / GOLDBERGER, A.S.PermalinkEconomics of American forestry / WORRELL, A.C.PermalinkElementory decision theory / CHERNOFF, H.PermalinkElements of nonparamentric statistics / NOETHER, E.G.PermalinkEnvironmental conservation / DASMANN, R.F.PermalinkEssentials of forestry practice / STODDARD, C.H.PermalinkEssentials of forestry practice / STODDARD, C.H.PermalinkFabric and mineral analysis of soils / BREWER, R.PermalinkFire in forestry / CHANDLER, C.PermalinkForecasting for profit: a technique for business management / WRIGHT, W.PermalinkForest ecology / SPURR, S.H.PermalinkForest entomology: ecology and management / COULSON, R.N.PermalinkForest mensuration / HUSCH, B.Permalink