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Author UPADHYAY, K.P. |
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Contour ternching as a strategy in watershed rehabilitation: application to Nepalese conditions / UPADHYAY, K.P.
Title : Contour ternching as a strategy in watershed rehabilitation: application to Nepalese conditions Material Type: printed text Authors: UPADHYAY, K.P. ; , Publisher: Utah, USA : Utah State University Publication Date: 1977 Pagination: , 134p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: catchment areas watershed management soil conservation Contour ternching as a strategy in watershed rehabilitation: application to Nepalese conditions [printed text] / UPADHYAY, K.P. ; , . - Utah, USA : Utah State University, 1977 . - , 134p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: catchment areas watershed management soil conservation Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2038, D74 2038, D74 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Contour Trenching as a Strategy in Watershed Rehabilitation: Application To Nepalese Condition / UPADHYAY, K.P.
Title : Contour Trenching as a Strategy in Watershed Rehabilitation: Application To Nepalese Condition Material Type: printed text Authors: UPADHYAY, K.P. ; , Publisher: Utah : Utah State University Publication Date: 1977 Pagination: , 134p., , General note: A Report Submitted in partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of Science in Watershed Science (Plan B) Languages : (En) Keywords: Thesis MSc Strategy - Watershed Rehabilitation Application Nepalese Condition Contour Trenching as a Strategy in Watershed Rehabilitation: Application To Nepalese Condition [printed text] / UPADHYAY, K.P. ; , . - Utah : Utah State University, 1977 . - , 134p., ,.
A Report Submitted in partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of Science in Watershed Science (Plan B)
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Thesis MSc Strategy - Watershed Rehabilitation Application Nepalese Condition Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status T154 T154 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Contour trnching as a strategy in watershed rehabilitation : application to Nepalese condition / UPADHYAY, K.P.
Title : Contour trnching as a strategy in watershed rehabilitation : application to Nepalese condition Material Type: printed text Authors: UPADHYAY, K.P. ; , Publisher: Utah : Utah State University Publication Date: 1977 Pagination: , 134p., , General note: A repoprt submitted in partial fullfillment for degree of M.Sc Languages : (En) Keywords: Thesis MSc watershed rehabitation - strategy contour trenching nepalese condition Contour trnching as a strategy in watershed rehabilitation : application to Nepalese condition [printed text] / UPADHYAY, K.P. ; , . - Utah : Utah State University, 1977 . - , 134p., ,.
A repoprt submitted in partial fullfillment for degree of M.Sc
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Thesis MSc watershed rehabitation - strategy contour trenching nepalese condition Loss of renewable natural resources and prospects for their improvement in Nepal , In: The Nepal Journal of Forestry / UPADHYAY, K.P.
Title : Loss of renewable natural resources and prospects for their improvement in Nepal , In: The Nepal Journal of Forestry Material Type: printed text Authors: UPADHYAY, K.P. ; , Publication Date: 1981 Pagination: v. 5 : 1, 27-32p, , General note: Summary in Nepali Languages : (En) Keywords: natural resources Nepal Loss of renewable natural resources and prospects for their improvement in Nepal , In: The Nepal Journal of Forestry [printed text] / UPADHYAY, K.P. ; , . - 1981 . - v. 5 : 1, 27-32p, ,.
Summary in Nepali
Languages : (En)
Keywords: natural resources Nepal Watershed management in Nepal under condition of limited data and access / UPADHYAY, K.P.
Title : Watershed management in Nepal under condition of limited data and access Material Type: printed text Authors: UPADHYAY, K.P. ; EASTER,K.W. ; ,DIXON,J.A. Pagination: , 177-189pp.+ maps, , ISBN (or other code): 08-133-7300x General note: In Watershed resource management: an integrated framework with studies from Asia and the Pacific. Languages : (En) Keywords: watershed management Class number: A87-121983 Watershed management in Nepal under condition of limited data and access [printed text] / UPADHYAY, K.P. ; EASTER,K.W. ; ,DIXON,J.A. . - [s.d.] . - , 177-189pp.+ maps, ,.
ISSN : 08-133-7300x
In Watershed resource management: an integrated framework with studies from Asia and the Pacific.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: watershed management Class number: A87-121983