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Title : 1. Project planning report Material Type: printed text Authors: Saipal 82/83 biological survey of Nepal's far western hills ; , Publisher: South Shields, England : Biological Projects International Publication Date: 1984 Pagination: , 44p. + maps, , Languages : (En) Keywords: surveys project planning 1. Project planning report [printed text] / Saipal 82/83 biological survey of Nepal's far western hills ; , . - South Shields, England : Biological Projects International, 1984 . - , 44p. + maps, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: surveys project planning Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2549, D826 2549, D826 Document DFRSL General Section Available
Title : 100 beautiful trees of India: a descriptive and pictorial handbook Material Type: printed text Authors: McCANN, C. ; , Publisher: Bombay : D.B. Taraporevala Publication Date: 1959 Pagination: , viii, 168p. :ill, , Languages : (En) Keywords: ornamental trees trees - identification India Class number: 582.160954 McC 100 beautiful trees of India: a descriptive and pictorial handbook [printed text] / McCANN, C. ; , . - Bombay : D.B. Taraporevala, 1959 . - , viii, 168p. :ill, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: ornamental trees trees - identification India Class number: 582.160954 McC Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 362, 582.160954 McC Document DFRSL Books Not for loan
Title : 100 years of Indian forestry: 1861-1961 Material Type: printed text Authors: India. Forest Research Institute ; , Publisher: Dehra Dun : Forest Research Institute (FRI) Publication Date: 1961 Pagination: , xviii, 163p. and xxix, 381p. :ill, , 2 vols. General note: vol.1=Souvenir and vol.2=Forests. Issued on the occasion of the celebration of Indian forest century Languages : (En) Keywords: forests and forestry - India Class number: 634.90954 IND 100 years of Indian forestry: 1861-1961 [printed text] / India. Forest Research Institute ; , . - Dehra Dun : Forest Research Institute (FRI), 1961 . - , xviii, 163p. and xxix, 381p. :ill, , 2 vols.
vol.1=Souvenir and vol.2=Forests. Issued on the occasion of the celebration of Indian forest century
Languages : (En)
Keywords: forests and forestry - India Class number: 634.90954 IND Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 1027 1011, 634.90954 IND Document DFRSL Books Not for loan
Title : 1001 questions answered about trees Material Type: printed text Authors: PLATT, R. ; , Publisher: New York : Dodd, Mead Co. Publication Date: 1959 Pagination: , xiv, 318p. :ill, , Languages : (En) Keywords: trees Class number: 582.16 PLA 1001 questions answered about trees [printed text] / PLATT, R. ; , . - New York : Dodd, Mead Co., 1959 . - , xiv, 318p. :ill, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: trees Class number: 582.16 PLA Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 351 582.16 PLA Document DFRSL General Section Available 15th Warden Conference Parsa Wildlife Reserve Aadhabhar Proceedings of the Conference / Department of National parks and Wildlife conservation
Title : 15th Warden Conference Parsa Wildlife Reserve Aadhabhar Proceedings of the Conference Material Type: printed text Authors: Department of National parks and Wildlife conservation ; , Publisher: Babarmahal : Department of National parks and Wildlife conservation Publication Date: 199 ? Pagination: , 20p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Warden Conference - wildlife Reserve 15th Warden Conference Parsa Wildlife Reserve Aadhabhar Proceedings of the Conference [printed text] / Department of National parks and Wildlife conservation ; , . - Babarmahal : Department of National parks and Wildlife conservation, 199 ? . - , 20p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Warden Conference - wildlife Reserve Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D3514 D3514 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan 1955 yearbook of forest products Statistics annuaire Statique des produits forestiers anuario Estadistico de productios forestables / FAO UN
Permalink1962 yearbook of forest products Statistics Annuaire Statistique de produits forestiers Anuario Estadistico de productos forestales / ; food and Ariculture organization of the United Nations
Permalink1963 yearbook of forest products Statistics Annuaire Statistique des produits forestiers Anuario Estadistico De productors forestables / food and Agriculture organization of the united Nations
Permalink1965 yearbook of forest products Statistics Annuaire Statistique de produits forestiers Anuario Estadistico de productos forestales / FAO UNO
Permalink1971 Yearbook of forest products annuaire des produits forestiers anuario de produtos forestales / food And Agriculture of the united nations......................
Permalink1973 Yearbook of forest products annuaire des produits forestiers anuario de produtos forestales review - revue - revista 1962 - 1973 / FAO UNO
Permalink1974 Yearbook of forest products annuaire des produits forestiers annuario de productos forestales 1963 - 1974 / food and Agriculture organization of the united Nations
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalink2',3'-Dehydrosalannol, a tetranortriterpenoid form Azadirachta indica leaves , In: Phytochemistry / GARG, H.S.
Permalink25 Years research on soil water conservation in Ravine lands of Gujarat / SHARMA, A.K. PRADHAN, I.P.
Permalink30 Days to a More Powerful vocabulary , In: The Nepal Journal of Forestry / FUNK, WIFRED AND LEWIS, NORMAN
Permalinkराष्ट्रिय वन योजना २०३३ National Forest Commission 2033 : Rastrya ban yojana 2033 B.S. / Government of Nepal forest and Soil Commission
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PermalinkAarthik Prasaasan sambandhi Niyamawalee, 2056 B.S. / His Majesty's Government Kanon, nyay tatha Sansadeeya Byawatha Mantralaya kanoon Kitab baywastha Samiti