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Alnus nepalensis: A multipurpose tree for the tropical highlands , In: NFT Highlights / NEIL, P.E.
Title : Alnus nepalensis: A multipurpose tree for the tropical highlands , In: NFT Highlights Material Type: printed text Authors: NEIL, P.E. ; , Publisher: Waimanalo, Hawaii : Nitrogen Fixing Tree Association Publication Date: 1990 Pagination: v. NFTA90 : 06, 2p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: Alnus nepalensis Nepal Alnus nepalensis: A multipurpose tree for the tropical highlands , In: NFT Highlights [printed text] / NEIL, P.E. ; , . - Waimanalo, Hawaii : Nitrogen Fixing Tree Association, 1990 . - v. NFTA90 : 06, 2p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Alnus nepalensis Nepal Alnus nepalensis, Pinus roxburghii, and P. Wallichiana 1980-1983 / Commonwealth Forestry Bureau
Title : Alnus nepalensis, Pinus roxburghii, and P. Wallichiana 1980-1983 Material Type: printed text Authors: Commonwealth Forestry Bureau ; , Publisher: Oxford : Commonwealth Forestry Bureau Publication Date: 1984 Pagination: , 17p, , ISBN (or other code): 0-141-5921 General note: Annotated bibliographies, plant series Languages : (En) Keywords: alnus nepalensis pinus roxburghii wallihinana forests and forestry - bibliography Class number: BIB 634.97 COM Alnus nepalensis, Pinus roxburghii, and P. Wallichiana 1980-1983 [printed text] / Commonwealth Forestry Bureau ; , . - Oxford : Commonwealth Forestry Bureau, 1984 . - , 17p, ,.
ISSN : 0-141-5921
Annotated bibliographies, plant series
Languages : (En)
Keywords: alnus nepalensis pinus roxburghii wallihinana forests and forestry - bibliography Class number: BIB 634.97 COM Alnus nepalensis provenances trial / CLARK, J.
Title : Alnus nepalensis provenances trial Material Type: printed text Authors: CLARK, J. ; , Publisher: Dhankuta, Nepal : Pakhribas Agricultural Centre, (PAC) Publication Date: 1985 Pagination: , 5p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: species trial Alnus nepalensis Alnus nepalensis provenances trial [printed text] / CLARK, J. ; , . - Dhankuta, Nepal : Pakhribas Agricultural Centre, (PAC), 1985 . - , 5p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: species trial Alnus nepalensis Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2926, D948 2926, D948 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan The alpine flora of the Nepal Himalayas: an introductory note / OHBA, H.
Title : The alpine flora of the Nepal Himalayas: an introductory note Material Type: printed text Authors: OHBA, H. ; , Publisher: Tokyo : University of Tokyo Publication Date: 1988 Pagination: , 19-46p, , General note: In H. Ohba and S.B. Mall eds The Himalayan plants Vol.1 Languages : (En) Keywords: Nepal - Himalaya Class number: 581.954 OHB The alpine flora of the Nepal Himalayas: an introductory note [printed text] / OHBA, H. ; , . - Tokyo : University of Tokyo, 1988 . - , 19-46p, ,.
In H. Ohba and S.B. Mall eds The Himalayan plants Vol.1
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Nepal - Himalaya Class number: 581.954 OHB Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5334, 581.954 OHB Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Alterantives to shifting cultaivation , In: Ceres / OKIGBO, B.N.
Title : Alterantives to shifting cultaivation , In: Ceres Material Type: printed text Authors: OKIGBO, B.N. ; , Publication Date: 1981 Pagination: v. 14 : 6, 41-45p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: shifting cultivation Alterantives to shifting cultaivation , In: Ceres [printed text] / OKIGBO, B.N. ; , . - 1981 . - v. 14 : 6, 41-45p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: shifting cultivation Alternate cycle agroforestry , In: Agroforestry Systems / WEINSTOCK, J.A.PermalinkAlternative energy technology: an overview and assessment / NEPAL. WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECRETARIATPermalinkAlternative Energy Technology : An Overview And Assessment / WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECRETARIATPermalinkAlternative energy technology: an overview and assessment / WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECVRETARIAT (WECS)PermalinkAltitude geography: effects of altitude on the geography of Nepal / PANDAY, R.K.PermalinkAltitudinal variation in nitrogenase activity of the Himalayan alder naturally regenerating on landslide-affected sites , In: New Phytologist / SHARMA, E.PermalinkAltitudinal variation of nutrients in leaf litter of major tree species of Phulchoki Hill, Nepal , In: Journal of Institute of Science and Technology / SAH, J.P.PermalinkAmaharu Upannash / PAUDEL, KABITAPermalinkAmanual of forest law / powell, B.H. badenPermalinkAmerican congress on surveying and mapping / library congressPermalinkAmerican forest management / DAVIS, K.P.PermalinkAmerican forestry: six decades of growth / CLEPPER, H.PermalinkAnalog forestry as a conservation tool , In: Tiger Paper / SENANAYAKE, F.R.PermalinkAnalysis of Community forestry Characteristics in the Dhaulagiri Hills (Analysis and Finsing from the FUG Database, Baglung at 16.071996) / UPADHYAY, S.PermalinkAn Analysis of community forestry Characteristics in the Dhulagiri Hills (Analysis and findings from The FUG Database, Baglung at 16.7.98) / UPADHYAY, S , HAMILTOM, C. POKHRAL, B.PermalinkAnalysis of forest canopy Density and factors affecting it using rs and Techniques (A case study from chitwan District of Nepal) / PANTA, MENAKAPermalinkAnalysis of forest sector program success in the Terai region of Nepal / BARAL, R.PermalinkAn Analysis of the Health Dimension of Nepal's Development and Recommendation for Improvement / OJHA, EK RAJPermalinkAn analysis of household demand for fuelwood during the winter season in the Kathmandu District of Nepal / SHRESTHA, S.G.PermalinkAn Analysis of the Involvement of Non-Governmental Organization in Selected Upland Development Projects in Region ll, Philippines / SHERCHAN,G.P.Permalink