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Afforestation in India: problems and strategies , In: Ambio / VANDANA, S.
Title : Afforestation in India: problems and strategies , In: Ambio Material Type: printed text Authors: VANDANA, S. ; , Publication Date: 1985 Pagination: v. 14 : 4/5, 329-333p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: afforestation policy Class number: FA 47/3878 Afforestation in India: problems and strategies , In: Ambio [printed text] / VANDANA, S. ; , . - 1985 . - v. 14 : 4/5, 329-333p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: afforestation policy Class number: FA 47/3878 Afforestation in India's economy / SONI, R.C.
Title : Afforestation in India's economy Material Type: printed text Authors: SONI, R.C. ; , Publisher: New Delhi : Economic and Scientific Research Foundation Publication Date: 1975 Pagination: , 119p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: economic development land reclamation forest management India Class number: 634.956 SON Afforestation in India's economy [printed text] / SONI, R.C. ; , . - New Delhi : Economic and Scientific Research Foundation, 1975 . - , 119p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: economic development land reclamation forest management India Class number: 634.956 SON Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 816, 634.956 SON Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Afforestation programmes, voluntary action and community organization , In: Social Action / FERNANDES, W.
Title : Afforestation programmes, voluntary action and community organization , In: Social Action Material Type: printed text Authors: FERNANDES, W. ; , Publication Date: 1987 Pagination: v. 37 : 3, 275-295p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: afforestation community forestry Class number: FA 49/6357 Afforestation programmes, voluntary action and community organization , In: Social Action [printed text] / FERNANDES, W. ; , . - 1987 . - v. 37 : 3, 275-295p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: afforestation community forestry Class number: FA 49/6357 Afforestation and streamflow in tropical highlands , In: The Commonwealth Forestry Review / PEREIRA, H.C.
Title : Afforestation and streamflow in tropical highlands , In: The Commonwealth Forestry Review Material Type: printed text Authors: PEREIRA, H.C. ; , Publication Date: 1967 Pagination: v. 46 : 4, 323-327p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: afforestation land use Afforestation and streamflow in tropical highlands , In: The Commonwealth Forestry Review [printed text] / PEREIRA, H.C. ; , . - 1967 . - v. 46 : 4, 323-327p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: afforestation land use The afforestation 'supertree' , In: Forestry / CAMPBELL, M.W.
Title : The afforestation 'supertree' , In: Forestry Material Type: printed text Authors: CAMPBELL, M.W. ; , Publication Date: 1977 Pagination: v. - : 7, 12-15p, , General note: A Journal of Institute of Forestry Languages : (En) Keywords: afforestation - Nepal The afforestation 'supertree' , In: Forestry [printed text] / CAMPBELL, M.W. ; , . - 1977 . - v. - : 7, 12-15p, ,.
A Journal of Institute of Forestry
Languages : (En)
Keywords: afforestation - Nepal Afforestation word list English-Nepali / FEARNSIDE, A.PermalinkAge-diameter relationships of Quercus species in relation to edaphic hactors in Gallery forests in northeast Kansas , In: Forest Ecology and Management / ABRAMS, M.D.PermalinkAgency for International development project paper / Resources Conservation and Utilization Project (RCUP)PermalinkAgrarian change and agricultural labour relations: Nepalese case studies / SHARMA, S.P.PermalinkAgrarian Urban Economic and social change / BAJPAI, GITAPermalinkAgreement between His Majesty's Government of Nepal, Forest Resources Survey Office, Department of Forestry and Fairey Surveys Limited, Reform Road, Maldenhead, Berks, U.K. / Nepal. Forest Survey and Research Office (FSRO)PermalinkAgreement between His Majesty's Government of Nepal and the Government of India on the Gandak Irrigation and Power Project / Nepal.(Treaties, etc. India)PermalinkAgreement for rosin and turpentine industry in Nepal / Nepal. (Treaties etc., Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)PermalinkAgri-silviculture in Nepal: study of an approach to the settlement of landless labourers / SHRESTHA, B.PermalinkAgricultral liberalisation and its impact on South Asia / GHIMIRE, HIRAMANI ADHIKARI, RATNAKARPermalinkAgricultural Biotechnology / KUMAR, H.D.PermalinkAgricultural change in south Asia: case studies in the developing world / BRADNOCK, R.W.PermalinkAgricultural climatology / KAKDE, J.R.PermalinkAgricultural Climatology / KAKDE, J. R.PermalinkAgricultural Credit in Economically Under Developed Contries / FAO (Food and Agriculture organization)PermalinkAgricultural Credit in Economically Under Development Countires / FAOPermalinkAgricultural credit in economically underdeveloped countries / BELSHAW, H.PermalinkAgricultural credit: sector policy paper / World BankPermalinkAgricultural Demonstration and Extension Communication / Krishan,RamPermalinkAgricultural development and agrarian structure in Nepal / ZEVERING, K.H.Permalink