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7 result(s) search for keyword(s) 'Countries'
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Agricultural Research, Livelihoods and Poverty : Studies of Economic and Social Impacts in six Countries / ADATO, MICHELLE AND MEINZEN-DICK, RUTH
Title : Agricultural Research, Livelihoods and Poverty : Studies of Economic and Social Impacts in six Countries Material Type: printed text Authors: ADATO, MICHELLE AND MEINZEN-DICK, RUTH ; , Publisher: New Delhi : New Delhi Publication Date: 2007 Pagination: , 388p., , ISBN (or other code): 978-0-19-569353-9 Languages : (En) Keywords: Michelle Adato Agricultural Research Livelihoods Poverty Economic Social Impacts Six Countries Rice Bangladesh Urban China India Class number: 630.715 ADA Agricultural Research, Livelihoods and Poverty : Studies of Economic and Social Impacts in six Countries [printed text] / ADATO, MICHELLE AND MEINZEN-DICK, RUTH ; , . - New Delhi : New Delhi, 2007 . - , 388p., ,.
ISBN : 978-0-19-569353-9
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Michelle Adato Agricultural Research Livelihoods Poverty Economic Social Impacts Six Countries Rice Bangladesh Urban China India Class number: 630.715 ADA Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 6920, 630.715 ADA Document DFRSL Books Not for loan All Countries Profile / BHUSAL, UMESH
Title : All Countries Profile Material Type: printed text Authors: BHUSAL, UMESH ; , Publisher: Bagbzaar, Kathmandu : Asia Publications pvt.Ltd. Publication Date: 2067 B.S. Pagination: , 710p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Profile Countries Histry political Geographical population Education Health Communication Economic HDP All Countries Profile [printed text] / BHUSAL, UMESH ; , . - Bagbzaar, Kathmandu : Asia Publications pvt.Ltd., 2067 B.S. . - , 710p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Profile Countries Histry political Geographical population Education Health Communication Economic HDP The bottom billion: why the poorest countries are failing and what can be done about it / COLLIER, PAUL
Title : The bottom billion: why the poorest countries are failing and what can be done about it Material Type: printed text Authors: COLLIER, PAUL ; , Publisher: New Delhi : Oxford University Press Publication Date: 2007 Pagination: , 205p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: poor developing countries poverty Class number: 338.90091724 COL The bottom billion: why the poorest countries are failing and what can be done about it [printed text] / COLLIER, PAUL ; , . - New Delhi : Oxford University Press, 2007 . - , 205p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: poor developing countries poverty Class number: 338.90091724 COL Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 7009, 338.90091724 COL Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Directory of Agricultural Scientists and Technologists of SAARC Countries / SAARC AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION CENTRE
Title : Directory of Agricultural Scientists and Technologists of SAARC Countries Material Type: printed text Authors: SAARC AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION CENTRE ; , Publisher: Bangladesh : SAARC Publication Date: 2004 Pagination: , 463p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: SAARC Agricultural Scientists Countries Class number: 630.24 KUM Directory of Agricultural Scientists and Technologists of SAARC Countries [printed text] / SAARC AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION CENTRE ; , . - Bangladesh : SAARC, 2004 . - , 463p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: SAARC Agricultural Scientists Countries Class number: 630.24 KUM Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 6364, 630.24 KUM Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Attempts and successes of ICT Roadmap to Villages in the SAARC Countries / SAARC AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION CENTRE
Title : Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Attempts and successes of ICT Roadmap to Villages in the SAARC Countries Material Type: printed text Authors: SAARC AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION CENTRE ; , Publisher: Bangladesh : SAARC AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION CENTRE Publication Date: 2004 Pagination: , 192p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: SAARC Proceedings Countries Class number: 338.10954 SRI Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Attempts and successes of ICT Roadmap to Villages in the SAARC Countries [printed text] / SAARC AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION CENTRE ; , . - Bangladesh : SAARC AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION CENTRE, 2004 . - , 192p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: SAARC Proceedings Countries Class number: 338.10954 SRI Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 6366, 338.10954 SRI Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Public Sector Support System and its Collaboration with Private Sector for Livestok Development in SAARC Countries / RAHMAN, HAFEZUR.........PermalinkThird world priorities and issues in the nineties decade / PRASAI, SURYA BAHADURPermalink