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11 result(s) search for keyword(s) 'Indian'
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Indian Standard of Structural Timber in Building (Material, Grading and Design) (Revised) / Indian Standards Institution Manak Bhavan, 9 Mathura Road
Title : Indian Standard of Structural Timber in Building (Material, Grading and Design) (Revised) Material Type: printed text Authors: Indian Standards Institution Manak Bhavan, 9 Mathura Road ; , Publisher: New Delhi : Indian Standards Institution Manak Bhavan Publication Date: 1962 Pagination: , 12p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Indian Standard Grading Design Indian Standard of Structural Timber in Building (Material, Grading and Design) (Revised) [printed text] / Indian Standards Institution Manak Bhavan, 9 Mathura Road ; , . - New Delhi : Indian Standards Institution Manak Bhavan, 1962 . - , 12p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Indian Standard Grading Design Indian Medicinal Plants a compendium of 500 species / Indian Medicinal plants
Title : Indian Medicinal Plants a compendium of 500 species Material Type: printed text Authors: Indian Medicinal plants ; , Publisher: Hyderabad : orient Longman limited Publication Date: 1994 Pagination: , 416p., , 1 2 Languages : (En) Keywords: Indian Medicinal Plants Class number: 581.6103 IND Indian Medicinal Plants a compendium of 500 species [printed text] / Indian Medicinal plants ; , . - Hyderabad : orient Longman limited, 1994 . - , 416p., , 1 2.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Indian Medicinal Plants Class number: 581.6103 IND Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5987 5988, 581.6103 IND Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Indian Forest Ecology / PURI, G.S.
Title : Indian Forest Ecology Material Type: printed text Authors: PURI, G.S. ; , Publisher: New Delhi : Oxford Book and Statlonary Co. Publication Date: 1960 Pagination: v. vol. I, 318p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Indian Forest Ecology Indian Forest Ecology [printed text] / PURI, G.S. ; , . - New Delhi : Oxford Book and Statlonary Co., 1960 . - v. vol. I, 318p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Indian Forest Ecology Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 574.5264 PUR, 574.5264 PUR, Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Indian Hill Birds / Ali,Salim
Title : Indian Hill Birds Material Type: printed text Authors: Ali,Salim ; , Publisher: Calcutta : Oxford University Press Publication Date: 1979 Pagination: , 188p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: hill Birds Indian Class number: 598.2954ALI Indian Hill Birds [printed text] / Ali,Salim ; , . - Calcutta : Oxford University Press, 1979 . - , 188p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: hill Birds Indian Class number: 598.2954ALI Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 1346, 598.2954ALI Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Indian Timbers Deodar / Forest Research Institute Colleges
Title : Indian Timbers Deodar Material Type: printed text Authors: Forest Research Institute Colleges ; , Publisher: Dehra Dun : Forest Research Institute Colleges Publication Date: 1976 Pagination: , 13p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Indian Timber Deodar Class number: SER FRI IS 18 Indian Timbers Deodar [printed text] / Forest Research Institute Colleges ; , . - Dehra Dun : Forest Research Institute Colleges, 1976 . - , 13p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Indian Timber Deodar Class number: SER FRI IS 18 Indian Timbers Kokko (SIRIS) / FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE AND COLLEGESPermalinkThe book of Indian trees / SAHNI, K.C.PermalinkChallenging the Indian medical heritage / SHANKAR, D. UNNIKKRISHNAN, P.M.PermalinkThe Silviculture of Indian Trees / TRUOP, R.S.PermalinkTree and the environment an Indian scenario / CHAUDHARI, A. B.PermalinkForeign Aid and Politics In Nepal : A Case Study / MIHALY, EUGENE BRAMERPermalink