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Title : Action plan for Himalaya Material Type: printed text Authors: G.B. PLANT INSTITUTE OF HIMALAYAN ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT ; , Publisher: India : G.B. PLANT INSTITUTE OF HIMALAYAN ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT Publication Date: 1992 Pagination: , 68p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Action Plan Himalaya Class number: 333.7 PAN Action plan for Himalaya [printed text] / G.B. PLANT INSTITUTE OF HIMALAYAN ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT ; , . - India : G.B. PLANT INSTITUTE OF HIMALAYAN ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT, 1992 . - , 68p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Action Plan Himalaya Class number: 333.7 PAN Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5003, 333.7 PAN Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Action Plan Himalaya / PANT, G.B.
Title : Action Plan Himalaya Material Type: printed text Authors: PANT, G.B. ; , Publisher: India : G.B. pant institute Publication Date: 1992 Pagination: , 68p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Pant Action Plan Himalaya Class number: 333.7 PAN Action Plan Himalaya [printed text] / PANT, G.B. ; , . - India : G.B. pant institute, 1992 . - , 68p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Pant Action Plan Himalaya Class number: 333.7 PAN Analysis of the Present Status of Master plan for the Forest Sector / APROSC
Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5834, D2564 5834, D2564 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Forest management Plan for the ten forest reserve / Forest Resource Survey office
Title : Forest management Plan for the ten forest reserve Material Type: printed text Authors: Forest Resource Survey office ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : USAID Publication Date: 199 Pagination: , 31p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Forest Management plan Forest management Plan for the ten forest reserve [printed text] / Forest Resource Survey office ; , . - Kathmandu : USAID, 199 . - , 31p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Forest Management plan Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2864, D892 2864, D892 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan forest Resources Information Status and Development Plan / Master Plan
Title : forest Resources Information Status and Development Plan Material Type: printed text Authors: Master Plan ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : ADB/FINNIDA Publication Date: 1988 Pagination: , v.p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Forest Status Plan forest Resources Information Status and Development Plan [printed text] / Master Plan ; , . - Kathmandu : ADB/FINNIDA, 1988 . - , v.p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Forest Status Plan Himalayan Pasture and Fodder Research network product with in Master plan Frame Work / GIRI, M.K.PermalinkImpacts and Monitoring Plan / Master PlanPermalinkimplementation status of operational plan and constitution in community forestry: a multiple case study from palpa district / KHANAL, YAJNAMURTIPermalinkInstitutional Development Plan / Master PlanPermalinkLecture Hand-outs for Training on Sub-Watershed Management plan Preparation (Nepal Denmark Watershed Management Project) / WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PROJECTPermalinkMaster Plan for Forestry Sector Nepal / Ministry of Forest and Soil ConservationPermalinkMaster plan for the Forestry Sector Nepal / Ministry of Forests and Soil ConservationPermalinkMaster Plan for Forestry Sector Nepal / Ministry of Forests and Soil ConservationPermalinkMaster plan for the forestry Sector Nepal / Master plan for the forestry Sector Project of HMGN/ADB/FINNIDAPermalinkMaster plan for the forestry Sector Nepal-country background / Master plan for the forestry Sector Project of HMGN/ADB/FINNIDAPermalinkMaster plan for the forestry Sector Nepal : Forest Based Industries Development Plan / Master plan for the forestry Sector Project of HMGN/ADB/FINNIDAPermalinkMaster plan for the forestry Sector Nepal : forest Based Industries Development Plan / Master plan for the forestry Sector Project of HMGN/ADB/FINNIDAPermalinkMaster plan for the forestry Sector Nepal : Forest-Based Industries Development Plan / Master plan for the forestry Sector Project of HMGN/ADB/FINNIDAPermalinkMaster plan for the forestry Sector Nepal : Forest Development Plan For The Supply of Main Forest Products / Master plan for the forestry Sector Project of HMGN/ADB/FINNIDAPermalinkMaster plan for the forestry Sector Nepal : Forest Development Plan For The Supply Of Main Forest Products / Master plan for the forestry Sector Project of HMGN/ADB/FINNIDAPermalinkMaster plan for the forestry Sector Nepal : Forest Resources Information Status And Development Plan / Master plan for the forestry Sector Project of HMGN/ADB/FINNIDAPermalinkMaster plan for the forestry Sector Nepal : Forestry Research Development Plan / Master plan for the forestry Sector Project of HMGN/ADB/FINNIDAPermalinkMaster plan for the forestry Sector Nepal : Forestry Research Development Plan / Master plan for the forestry Sector Project of HMGN/ADB/FINNIDAPermalinkMaster plan for the forestry Sector Nepal : Forestry Sector Policy / Master plan for the forestry Sector Project of HMGN/ADB/FINNIDAPermalinkMaster plan for the forestry Sector Nepal : Human Resources Development Plan / Master plan for the forestry Sector Project of HMGN/ADB/FINNIDAPermalink