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11 result(s) search for keyword(s) 'Poverty'
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Poverty to Prosperity in Nepal / JAIN, S.C.
Title : Poverty to Prosperity in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: JAIN, S.C. ; , Publisher: India : Development publishers Publication Date: 1981 Pagination: , 114p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: nepal poverty Class number: 339.46 JAN Poverty to Prosperity in Nepal [printed text] / JAIN, S.C. ; , . - India : Development publishers, 1981 . - , 114p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: nepal poverty Class number: 339.46 JAN Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 162, 339.46 JAN Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Agricultural Research, Livelihoods and Poverty : Studies of Economic and Social Impacts in six Countries / ADATO, MICHELLE AND MEINZEN-DICK, RUTH
Title : Agricultural Research, Livelihoods and Poverty : Studies of Economic and Social Impacts in six Countries Material Type: printed text Authors: ADATO, MICHELLE AND MEINZEN-DICK, RUTH ; , Publisher: New Delhi : New Delhi Publication Date: 2007 Pagination: , 388p., , ISBN (or other code): 978-0-19-569353-9 Languages : (En) Keywords: Michelle Adato Agricultural Research Livelihoods Poverty Economic Social Impacts Six Countries Rice Bangladesh Urban China India Class number: 630.715 ADA Agricultural Research, Livelihoods and Poverty : Studies of Economic and Social Impacts in six Countries [printed text] / ADATO, MICHELLE AND MEINZEN-DICK, RUTH ; , . - New Delhi : New Delhi, 2007 . - , 388p., ,.
ISBN : 978-0-19-569353-9
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Michelle Adato Agricultural Research Livelihoods Poverty Economic Social Impacts Six Countries Rice Bangladesh Urban China India Class number: 630.715 ADA Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 6920, 630.715 ADA Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Forest or farm? the politics of poverty and land hunger in Nepal / GHIMIRE, KRISHNA
Title : Forest or farm? the politics of poverty and land hunger in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: GHIMIRE, KRISHNA ; , Publisher: Calcutta : Oxford University Press Publication Date: 1992 Pagination: , 213p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Hunger Poverty Farm Forest Class number: 634.9 GHI Forest or farm? the politics of poverty and land hunger in Nepal [printed text] / GHIMIRE, KRISHNA ; , . - Calcutta : Oxford University Press, 1992 . - , 213p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Hunger Poverty Farm Forest Class number: 634.9 GHI Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5352-B, 634.9 GHI Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Labour market development and poverty with focus on opportunities for women in Nepal / ACHARYA, M.
Title : Labour market development and poverty with focus on opportunities for women in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: ACHARYA, M. ; , Publisher: KTM : Tanka Pd Acharya Publication Date: 2000 Pagination: , 144p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: women Nepal poverty Class number: 331.129 ACH-l Labour market development and poverty with focus on opportunities for women in Nepal [printed text] / ACHARYA, M. ; , . - KTM : Tanka Pd Acharya, 2000 . - , 144p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: women Nepal poverty Class number: 331.129 ACH-l Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 6542, 331.129 ACH-l Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Nepal a state of poverty: the political economy of population growth and social deprivation / SEDDON, D.
Title : Nepal a state of poverty: the political economy of population growth and social deprivation Material Type: printed text Authors: SEDDON, D. ; , Publisher: Norwich, England : University of East Anglia Publication Date: 1983 ? Pagination: , 198p, , General note: Monographs in development studies no. 11. A Report to the ILO Languages : (En) Keywords: economic development agriculture population poverty Nepal Class number: NEP 333.9 SED Nepal a state of poverty: the political economy of population growth and social deprivation [printed text] / SEDDON, D. ; , . - Norwich, England : University of East Anglia, 1983 ? . - , 198p, ,.
Monographs in development studies no. 11. A Report to the ILO
Languages : (En)
Keywords: economic development agriculture population poverty Nepal Class number: NEP 333.9 SED Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3156, NEP 333.9 SED Document DFRSL Books Not for loan The Reality of 2002 An Independent Review of poverty Reduction and International Development Assistance The Reality of Aid Project / RANDEL, JUDITH., TONY GERMAN AND DBORAH EWINGPermalinkTechnologies on Livestock and Fisheries for Poverty Alleviation in SAARC Countries / SAARC (AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION CENTRE)PermalinkThe bottom billion: why the poorest countries are failing and what can be done about it / COLLIER, PAULPermalinkRural 21 The International Journal for Rural Development / ICTA, GTZPermalinkRural Development : Putting the Last First Rural Unperceived / CHAMBERS, ROBERTPermalinkSwertial chirayita can supplement rural income in Nepal / DANIGGELIS, E.K. in BANKO JANAKARI - वनको जानकारी : A Journal of Forestry Information for Nepal, 6: 2 (June- December 1996)Permalink