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205 result(s) search for keyword(s) 'ecology'
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Ecology 2000: the changing face of earth / HILLARY, S.E.
Title : Ecology 2000: the changing face of earth Material Type: printed text Authors: HILLARY, S.E. ; , Publisher: London : Michael Joseph Publication Date: 1984 Pagination: , 252p. :ill, , ISBN (or other code): 978-0-7181-2353-6 Languages : (En) Keywords: ecology Class number: 574.5 HIL Ecology 2000: the changing face of earth [printed text] / HILLARY, S.E. ; , . - London : Michael Joseph, 1984 . - , 252p. :ill, ,.
ISBN : 978-0-7181-2353-6
Languages : (En)
Keywords: ecology Class number: 574.5 HIL Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3534, 574.5 HIL Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Ecology around a development project / RANA, P.S.J.B.
Title : Ecology around a development project Material Type: printed text Authors: RANA, P.S.J.B. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Sahayogi Press Publication Date: 1976 Pagination: , 149-157p, , General note: In Mountain Environment and Development Published on The 20th Anniversary of SATA in Nepal Languages : (En) Keywords: ecology development projects Ecology around a development project [printed text] / RANA, P.S.J.B. ; , . - Kathmandu : Sahayogi Press, 1976 . - , 149-157p, ,.
In Mountain Environment and Development Published on The 20th Anniversary of SATA in Nepal
Languages : (En)
Keywords: ecology development projects Ecology and behaviour of the hog deer (Axis porchinus) in the Chitwan ecosystem, Nepal / DHUNGEL, S.K.
Title : Ecology and behaviour of the hog deer (Axis porchinus) in the Chitwan ecosystem, Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: DHUNGEL, S.K. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : Smithsonian Tiger Ecology Project Publication Date: 1982 Pagination: , 34p, , General note: First Annual Report, September 1982/STEP Languages : (En) Keywords: Axis porchinus wildlife conservation ecology national parks Ecology and behaviour of the hog deer (Axis porchinus) in the Chitwan ecosystem, Nepal [printed text] / DHUNGEL, S.K. ; , . - Kathmandu : Smithsonian Tiger Ecology Project, 1982 . - , 34p, ,.
First Annual Report, September 1982/STEP
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Axis porchinus wildlife conservation ecology national parks Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4377, D351 4377, D351 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Ecology of development administration in the third world / AGRAWAL, G.R.
Title : Ecology of development administration in the third world Material Type: printed text Authors: AGRAWAL, G.R. ; , Publisher: Kirtipur, Kathmandu : CEDA, Tribhuvan University Publication Date: 1984 Pagination: , 13p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: ecology economic development Ecology of development administration in the third world [printed text] / AGRAWAL, G.R. ; , . - Kirtipur, Kathmandu : CEDA, Tribhuvan University, 1984 . - , 13p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: ecology economic development Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3424, D1192 3424, D1192 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Ecology and development: Franco-Nepalese seminar Kathmandu 27-30 Nov 1983 / SHRESTHA, T.B.
Title : Ecology and development: Franco-Nepalese seminar Kathmandu 27-30 Nov 1983 Material Type: printed text Authors: SHRESTHA, T.B. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : (s.n.) Publication Date: 1983 Pagination: , 28p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: natural resources development ecology Ecology and development: Franco-Nepalese seminar Kathmandu 27-30 Nov 1983 [printed text] / SHRESTHA, T.B. ; , . - Kathmandu : (s.n.), 1983 . - , 28p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: natural resources development ecology Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 542, D371 542, D371 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Ecology fever , In: Ceres / BORLAUG, N.E.PermalinkEcology of Gangetic dolphin platanista Gangetica roxb. in the Karnali River / SHRESTHA, T.K.PermalinkEcology Nepal foreign policyPermalinkEcology priciple and application / CHAPMAN, J.C.PermalinkEcology principles and Applications / CHAPMAN, J.L.PermalinkEcology of soil fungi / GRIFFIN, D.M.PermalinkEcology with special reference to Animals and man / KENDEIGH, S. CHARLESPermalinkEcology theories and applications / STILING, PETERPermalinkAdvances in Himalayan ecology / RAJWAR, G.S.PermalinkArchitecture and growth strategies of tropical trees in relation to successful status , In: Journal of Ecology / SHUKLA, R.P.PermalinkBiodiversity conservation environmental pollution ecology / PANDEY, B. N.PermalinkBioresources Ecology / ANANTHAKRISHNAN, T.N.PermalinkBiota and Ecology of Eastern Nepal / NUMATA, MAKOTOPermalinkChanges in floristic composition of the herbaceous vegetation under three different forest communities at Summer Hill, Shimla , In: Indian Journal of Ecology / SINGH, R.PermalinkChanging ecology of the Nepal Himalayas / IIJIMA, S.PermalinkChemistry for agriculture and ecology / HAY, R.K.M.PermalinkComparative analysis of the population dynamics of two bamboo species, Dendrocalamus hamiltonii and Neohouzeua dulloa, in a successional environment , In: Forest Ecology and Management / RAO, K.S.PermalinkComparative analysis of the population dynamics of two bamboo species, dendrocalamus hamiltonii and Neohouzeua dulloa, in a successional environment , In: Forest Ecology and Management / RAO, K.S.PermalinkConcepts of ecology / KORMONDY, E.J.PermalinkDistribution and Ecology of Seabuckthorn in Kanchanjangha conservation Area / BHANDARI, DINANATHPermalink