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69 result(s) search for keyword(s) 'environment'
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Environment and agriculture: biodiversity agriculture / JHA, P. K.
Title : Environment and agriculture: biodiversity agriculture Material Type: printed text Authors: JHA, P. K. ; , Publisher: Nepal : ecological society Publication Date: 2001 Pagination: , 602, , Languages : (En) Keywords: environment agriculture biodiversity Class number: 574.5264 JHA Environment and agriculture: biodiversity agriculture [printed text] / JHA, P. K. ; , . - Nepal : ecological society, 2001 . - , 602, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: environment agriculture biodiversity Class number: 574.5264 JHA Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 6234, 574.5264 JHA Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Environment and Agriculture At the Crossroad of the New Millennium / JHA, P.K., KARMACHARYA, S.B., BARAL, S.R. AND LACOUL, P.
Title : Environment and Agriculture At the Crossroad of the New Millennium Material Type: printed text Authors: JHA, P.K., KARMACHARYA, S.B., BARAL, S.R. AND LACOUL, P. ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : ECOS Publication Date: 2000 Pagination: , 552p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Jha Environment Agriculture Crossroad Climate Studies Class number: 574.5264 JHA Environment and Agriculture At the Crossroad of the New Millennium [printed text] / JHA, P.K., KARMACHARYA, S.B., BARAL, S.R. AND LACOUL, P. ; , . - Kathmandu : ECOS, 2000 . - , 552p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Jha Environment Agriculture Crossroad Climate Studies Class number: 574.5264 JHA Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 6180, 574.5264 JHA Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Environment Assessment of Nepal Emerging ........ / ADB/ICIMOD
Title : Environment Assessment of Nepal Emerging ........ Material Type: printed text Authors: ADB/ICIMOD ; , Publisher: Kathmandu : ICIMOD Publication Date: 2006 Pagination: , 224p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Environment Assessment Nepal Class number: 333.715 ADB Environment Assessment of Nepal Emerging ........ [printed text] / ADB/ICIMOD ; , . - Kathmandu : ICIMOD, 2006 . - , 224p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Environment Assessment Nepal Class number: 333.715 ADB Environment and biodiversity: in the context of South Asia / JHA, P.K.
Title : Environment and biodiversity: in the context of South Asia Material Type: printed text Authors: JHA, P.K. ; GHIMIRE, G.P.S. ; ,KARMACHARAYA, BARAL,S.R. Publisher: Kathmandu : Ecological Society (ECOS) Publication Date: 1996 Pagination: , 410p, , Languages : (En) Keywords: environment biodiversity Class number: 581.5264JHA Environment and biodiversity: in the context of South Asia [printed text] / JHA, P.K. ; GHIMIRE, G.P.S. ; ,KARMACHARAYA, BARAL,S.R. . - Kathmandu : Ecological Society (ECOS), 1996 . - , 410p, ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: environment biodiversity Class number: 581.5264JHA Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5930, 581.5264JHA Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Environment education and forest management / ROUT, S.K.
Title : Environment education and forest management Material Type: printed text Authors: ROUT, S.K. ; GUPTA, S.R. ; , Publisher: New Delhi : Ashish Publishing House Publication Date: 1987 Pagination: , 230-234p, , 1 ISBN (or other code): 81-7024-093-x General note: In Environment management in India, edited by Sapru, R.K. Languages : (En) Keywords: environment forest management Class number: FA 49/5629 Environment education and forest management [printed text] / ROUT, S.K. ; GUPTA, S.R. ; , . - New Delhi : Ashish Publishing House, 1987 . - , 230-234p, , 1.
ISSN : 81-7024-093-x
In Environment management in India, edited by Sapru, R.K.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: environment forest management Class number: FA 49/5629 Environment and Forests / TIWARI, SATISHPermalinkEnvironment of South Australia Province South East / LAUT, P...PermalinkEnvironmental guidelines for agroforestry projects / United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)PermalinkHill Forest Development Project Finnida/Finnep / Environment Impact Assessment of Sarangkot RoadPermalinkA Case About Environment Conservation / SHARMA, PRAKASH MAREEPermalinkCity and Environment / BOONE, CHRISTOPHER G. AND ALI MODARRESPermalinkCompendium of Graduate Theses in Environment and Natural Resources : Department of Environmental Science Engineering School of Science, Kathmandu University / BAJRACHARYA, R.MPermalinkDevelopment Projects and Critical Theory of Environment / BAPAT, JYOSNAPermalinkEconomic Development, Climate Change, and the Environment / SINHA, AJIT AND SIDDHARTHA MITRAPermalinkEffects of tourism on the mountain environment in Nepal / SHRESTHA, K.K.PermalinkField guide to soils and the environment applications of soil surveys / Olson, Gerald W.PermalinkFifty Great Thinkers on the Environment / PALMER, JOY A.PermalinkForest Environment Biodiversity / SINGH, M.P., SINGH, J.K., MOHANKA, REENA AND SAH, R.B.Permalinkforest environment and biodiversity / SINGH, M PPermalinkForestry, domestic energy and environment in Tanzania , In: Resource Management and Optimization / TEMU, A.B.PermalinkForestry for economic development: employment promotion, industrial growth, tribal and rural development, wildlife and environment / PANT, M.M.PermalinkForests and Environment / TEWARI, D.N.PermalinkMan Science Environment / prakash, ramPermalinkMan and this Working Environment / United States Environment ProgrammePermalinkManaging Environment and Cities Sustainable Development / JOSHI, JIBGARPermalink