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53 result(s) search for keyword(s) 'remote sensing'
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Remote sensing applications to highland development: proceedings of the regional seminar on remote sensing applications to highland developmen / FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANISATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS (FAO) , NATIONAL REMOTE SENSING CENTRE MINISTRY OF FORESTRY AND SOIL CONSERVATION
Title : Remote sensing applications to highland development: proceedings of the regional seminar on remote sensing applications to highland developmen Material Type: printed text Authors: FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANISATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS (FAO) , NATIONAL REMOTE SENSING CENTRE MINISTRY OF FORESTRY AND SOIL CONSERVATION ; , Publisher: KTM : National Remote Sensing Centre Publication Date: 1985 Pagination: , 194p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: remote sensing highland Remote sensing applications to highland development: proceedings of the regional seminar on remote sensing applications to highland developmen [printed text] / FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANISATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS (FAO) , NATIONAL REMOTE SENSING CENTRE MINISTRY OF FORESTRY AND SOIL CONSERVATION ; , . - KTM : National Remote Sensing Centre, 1985 . - , 194p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: remote sensing highland Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 1717, D600 1717, D600 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Remote Sensing of the Environment and Earth Resource Perspective / JENSEN. J.R.
Title : Remote Sensing of the Environment and Earth Resource Perspective Material Type: printed text Authors: JENSEN. J.R. ; , Publisher: London : Pearson Education Publication Date: 2005 Pagination: , 560p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Remote sensing Environment Class number: 621.3678 JEN Remote Sensing of the Environment and Earth Resource Perspective [printed text] / JENSEN. J.R. ; , . - London : Pearson Education, 2005 . - , 560p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Remote sensing Environment Class number: 621.3678 JEN Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 6515, 621.3678 JEN Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Remote Sensing in Geology / RAMASAMY, SM
Title : Remote Sensing in Geology Material Type: printed text Authors: RAMASAMY, SM ; , Publisher: New Delhi : rawat publications Publication Date: 2002 Pagination: , 251p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Remote Sensing Geology Class number: 634.3678 RAM Remote Sensing in Geology [printed text] / RAMASAMY, SM ; , . - New Delhi : rawat publications, 2002 . - , 251p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Remote Sensing Geology Class number: 634.3678 RAM Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 6615, 634.3678 RAM Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Remote sensing of the Himalaya / KAWOSA, M.A.
Title : Remote sensing of the Himalaya Material Type: printed text Authors: KAWOSA, M.A. ; , Publisher: Dehra Dun : Natraj Publishers Publication Date: 1988 Pagination: , 134p, , ISBN (or other code): 978-81-85019-12-3 Languages : (En) Keywords: remote sensing Nepal - Himalayas Class number: 621.3678 KAW Remote sensing of the Himalaya [printed text] / KAWOSA, M.A. ; , . - Dehra Dun : Natraj Publishers, 1988 . - , 134p, ,.
ISBN : 978-81-85019-12-3
Languages : (En)
Keywords: remote sensing Nepal - Himalayas Class number: 621.3678 KAW Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4357, 621.3678 KAW Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation / LILLESAND, THOMAS M. and KIEFER, RALPH W.
Title : Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation Material Type: printed text Authors: LILLESAND, THOMAS M. and KIEFER, RALPH W. ; , Publisher: New York : John Wiley Sons Publication Date: 1979 Pagination: , 612p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Remote Sensing Image Kiefer Ralph Class number: 621.367 LIL Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation [printed text] / LILLESAND, THOMAS M. and KIEFER, RALPH W. ; , . - New York : John Wiley Sons, 1979 . - , 612p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Remote Sensing Image Kiefer Ralph Class number: 621.367 LIL Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3694, 621.367 LIL Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Remote Sensing Principles and Applications / PANDA, Dr. B.C.PermalinkRemote Sensing for Soil Conservation (Workshop Proceedings, 29 June-1 July 1982): A Remote Sensing Manual for Soil Conservators / STEPHENS, P.R.PermalinkRemote sensing techniques for environmental analysis / ESTES, JOHN E.PermalinkRemote Sensing Yearbook 1986 / CRACKNELL, ARTHUR AND HAYES LADSONPermalinkReport of the Regional Remote Sensing Seminar on Tropical Ecosystem Management / The National Space Development Agency of Japan, The Sarawak state Government, the Malaysian Centre for Remote Sensing and the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the pacificPermalinkReport of the Training course on remote Sensing for Urban Surveys and Human Settlement Analysis / UNDP and ESCAPPermalinkAsian-pacific Remote Sensing and GIS Journal / ESCAP Regional Space Applications programmePermalinkAsian-pacific Remote Sensing and GIS Journal / ESCAP Regional Space Applications programmePermalinkAsian pacific Remote Sensing Journal / ESCAP Regional Space Applications programmePermalinkCollection of materials from seminar/training on remote sensing application to agriculture, forestry, geology and hydrology held at Kathmandu, 29 March to 29 April, 1983 / Nepal. National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC)PermalinkThe development and role of remote sensing in forestry , In: Forestry Abstracts / HOWARD, J.A.PermalinkField Methods in Remote Sensing / McCOY, ROGER M.PermalinkFood and remote sensing / MALLA, K.B.PermalinkGuidelines for tropical forest cover monitoring based on remote sensing Asia -Pacific region / BALTXE, R.PermalinkIntegrated remote sensing and information management procedure for agricultural production potential assessment and resource policy design in developing countries: presented at the Third Asian conference on remote sensing December 4-7, 1982, Dhaka, Bangladesh / SCHULTINK, G.PermalinkManual of remote sensing / COLWELL, R.N.PermalinkModern Dictionary of Remote Sensing / SINGH, PAVITAR PARKASHPermalinkModern Dictionary of Remote Sensing / SINGH, P.P.PermalinkProceedings of Development and Applications of Remote Sensing for Planning, Management and Decision - Making / National Remote Sensing CenterPermalinkProceedings of Nepal workshop on remote sensing: April 30 to May 4, 1978 / JOSHI, M.D.Permalink