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1962 yearbook of forest products Statistics Annuaire Statistique de produits forestiers Anuario Estadistico de productos forestales / ; food and Ariculture organization of the United Nations
Title : 1962 yearbook of forest products Statistics Annuaire Statistique de produits forestiers Anuario Estadistico de productos forestales Material Type: printed text Authors: ; food and Ariculture organization of the United Nations ; , Publisher: Rome : FAO UNO Publication Date: 1962 Pagination: , 159p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Yearbook forest - Statistics pulp and products World Trade products Class number: SER FAO FB 62 1962 yearbook of forest products Statistics Annuaire Statistique de produits forestiers Anuario Estadistico de productos forestales [printed text] / ; food and Ariculture organization of the United Nations ; , . - Rome : FAO UNO, 1962 . - , 159p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Yearbook forest - Statistics pulp and products World Trade products Class number: SER FAO FB 62 1965 yearbook of forest products Statistics Annuaire Statistique de produits forestiers Anuario Estadistico de productos forestales / FAO UNO
Title : 1965 yearbook of forest products Statistics Annuaire Statistique de produits forestiers Anuario Estadistico de productos forestales Material Type: printed text Authors: FAO UNO ; , Publisher: Rome : FAO UNO Publication Date: 1965 Pagination: , 132p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: yearbook forests products - Statistic processed wood Statistics Forest Statistics Class number: SER FAO YB65 1965 yearbook of forest products Statistics Annuaire Statistique de produits forestiers Anuario Estadistico de productos forestales [printed text] / FAO UNO ; , . - Rome : FAO UNO, 1965 . - , 132p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: yearbook forests products - Statistic processed wood Statistics Forest Statistics Class number: SER FAO YB65 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3949, SER FAO YB65 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan 1971 Yearbook of forest products annuaire des produits forestiers anuario de produtos forestales / food And Agriculture of the united nations......................
Title : 1971 Yearbook of forest products annuaire des produits forestiers anuario de produtos forestales Material Type: printed text Authors: food And Agriculture of the united nations...................... ; , Publisher: Rome : FAO UNO Publication Date: 1973 Pagination: , 224p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: roundwood products Yearbook forest products Class number: SER FAO YB71 1971 Yearbook of forest products annuaire des produits forestiers anuario de produtos forestales [printed text] / food And Agriculture of the united nations...................... ; , . - Rome : FAO UNO, 1973 . - , 224p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: roundwood products Yearbook forest products Class number: SER FAO YB71 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3903, SER FAO YB71 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan The Director - General's programme of Work and Budget for 1976 - 77 Annexes / food and Agriculture organization of the united Nations
Title : The Director - General's programme of Work and Budget for 1976 - 77 Annexes Material Type: printed text Authors: food and Agriculture organization of the united Nations ; , Publisher: Rome : FAO UNO Publication Date: 1977 Pagination: , 618p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Programme Work Budget Conference FAO Class number: SER FAO C75 The Director - General's programme of Work and Budget for 1976 - 77 Annexes [printed text] / food and Agriculture organization of the united Nations ; , . - Rome : FAO UNO, 1977 . - , 618p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Programme Work Budget Conference FAO Class number: SER FAO C75 FAO Digest of Plant Quarantine Regulations / FAO of the United Nations
Title : FAO Digest of Plant Quarantine Regulations Material Type: printed text Authors: FAO of the United Nations ; , Publisher: Rome : FAO UNO Publication Date: 1990 Pagination: , 308p., , Languages : (En) Keywords: Plant - Quarantine Regulation FAO Digest of Plant Quarantine Regulations [printed text] / FAO of the United Nations ; , . - Rome : FAO UNO, 1990 . - , 308p., ,.
Languages : (En)
Keywords: Plant - Quarantine Regulation Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D3288 D3288 Document DFRSL Books Not for loan Towards Equitable partnerships Between corporate and Smallholder partners (Relating partnership to Social, Economic and environmental indicatiors) Workshop synthesis / FAO UNOPermalinkTowards Equitable partnerships Between corporate and Smallholder partners (Relating partnerships to Social, Economic and Environmental indicators) Workshop synthesis / FAO UNPermalink